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About Spidereko

Spidereko was a gift to me from God… He was a man like no other man and I am a better man today for knowing him. He taught me a great many things in such a short time, but then God called him home. This picture is the story of his life From when he was younger up to probably a year before he passed away. It's my favorite thing hanging in my studio. This picture shows drug usage. It shows pain and trauma that many of you just would never understand. It shows the want for suicide. it shows many terrible things that he had in his life and I asked him"why are you giving this to me?" His answer was very simple… Spider said I was about to off myself because my life was terrible and then you called and gave me a job and you showed me that I had a talent that I didn't know I had. He said since being with you, I stopped all the drugs. He said you gave me back my smile and you showed me how to laugh again he said I found a new love working in this shop with you guys and I can't thank you enough for that alone. He said you changed my life for the better so all of this bad shit that you helped me to make go away. I put down on this piece of paper and I'm giving it to you because you took it away from me when you showed me there could be a better life. I told him this is probably something you would rather give to your son one day and he said… I pray to God my son never knows my past so by saying that in my mind, I agreed with him an I gladly took the picture and had it museum mounted and framed where it proudly hangs on the wall for All to see. Many of us have a bad past, but it's what you make your life to become once you stop all the stupid shit. Spider was always a man's man. All I did was help show him a better way. He died three days later and it broke my heart like it's breaking my heart right now to tell this story. I think of him every single day 20 times a day sometimes more because his spirit is here with us and at times I can hear him playing his guitar. I can hear his laughter And when I look at this picture, I can feel his love. Spider we miss you, brother… The good thing about me getting up in years is that I know I'm gonna see him again and I look very forward to that day. And if you're wondering what 150% means…? That's how he did everything. Not 100% but 150%. Long live SpideReko.


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